Source code for sphinx_nbexamples

"""Create an example gallery out of a bunch of ipython notebooks

This sphinx extension extracts the ipython notebooks in a given folder to
create an example gallery. It provides the follwing configuration values
for you sphinx configuration file ``''``:

.. autosummary::


This module was motivated by the
`sphinx-gallery <>`__ module
by Oscar Najera and in fact uses parts of it's html template for including the
thumbnails and the download containers"""
from __future__ import division
import datetime as dt
import os
import os.path as osp
import re
import six
from itertools import chain
import nbconvert
import nbformat
from shutil import copyfile
from copy import deepcopy
    from sphinx.util import logging
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
except (ImportError, AttributeError):
    import logging
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    warn = logger.warn
except AttributeError:  # necessary for python 2.7
    warn = logger.warning

import subprocess as spr
from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive
from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
from docutils.statemachine import ViewList
from docutils import nodes

if six.PY2:
    from itertools import imap as map

    from cyordereddict import OrderedDict
except ImportError:
        from collections import OrderedDict
    except ImportError:
        from ordereddict import OrderedDict

__version__ = '0.3.2'

__author__ = "Philipp Sommer"

if nbconvert.__version__ < '5.0':
    code_blocks = re.compile(r'\.\. code:: python\n(?s)(.+?)(?=\n\S+|$)')
    inner_code_blocks = re.compile(
        r'(?<=.. code:: python\n)(?s)(.+?)(?=\n\S+|$)')
    code_blocks = re.compile(r'\.\. code:: ipython\d\n(?s)(.+?)(?=\n\S+|$)')
    inner_code_blocks = re.compile(
        r'(?<=.. code:: ipython\d\n)(?s)(.+?)(?=\n\S+|$)')
magic_patt = re.compile(r'(?m)^(\s+)(%.*\n)')

[docs]def isstring(s): return isinstance(s, six.string_types)
[docs]def create_dirs(*dirs): for d in dirs: if os.path.exists(d) and not os.path.isdir(d): raise IOError("Could not create directory %s because an " "ordinary file with that name exists already!") elif not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(d)
NOIMAGE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '_static', 'no_image.png')
[docs]class NotebookProcessor(object): """Class to run process one ipython notebook and create the necessary files """ #: base string for downloading the python file and ipython notebook CODE_DOWNLOAD = """ .. only:: html .. container:: sphx-glr-download **Download {language} script:** :download:`{script}` **Download Jupyter notebook:** :download:`{nbfile}` """ #: base string for viewing the notebook in the jupyter nbviewer CODE_DOWNLOAD_NBVIEWER = CODE_DOWNLOAD + """ **View the notebook in the** `Jupyter nbviewer <{url}>`__ """ #: base string for viewing the notebook in the binder CODE_RUN_BINDER = """ **Run this example interactively:** |binder| .. |binder| image:: :target: {url} """ #: base string for downloading supplementary data DATA_DOWNLOAD = """ .. only:: html .. container:: sphx-glr-download **Download supplementary data:** %s """ #: base string for creating the thumbnail THUMBNAIL_TEMPLATE = """ .. raw:: html <div class="sphx-glr-thumbContainer" tooltip="{snippet}"> .. only:: html .. figure:: /{thumbnail} :ref:`{ref_name}` .. raw:: html </div> """ CODE_TEMPLATE = """ .. raw:: html <div class="sphx-glr-thumbContainer" tooltip="{snippet}"> .. only:: html .. code:: python {code} :ref:`{ref_name}` .. raw:: html </div> """ BOKEH_STYLE_SHEET = ( "{version}.min.css") BOKEH_JS = ( "{version}.min.js") _BOKEH_TEMPLATE = """ .. raw:: html <link href="%s" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <script src="%s"></script> """ BOKEH_TEMPLATE = _BOKEH_TEMPLATE % (BOKEH_STYLE_SHEET, BOKEH_JS) BOKEH_WIDGETS_STYLE_SHEET = ( "{version}.min.css") BOKEH_WIDGETS_JS = ( "{version}.min.js") BOKEH_WIDGETS_TEMPLATE = _BOKEH_TEMPLATE % (BOKEH_WIDGETS_STYLE_SHEET, BOKEH_WIDGETS_JS) #: Path to the thumbnail image thumb_file = NOIMAGE #: Paths to the pictures of this notebook pictures = [] @property def thumbnail_div(self): """The string for creating the thumbnail of this example""" return self.THUMBNAIL_TEMPLATE.format( snippet=self.get_description()[1], thumbnail=self.thumb_file, ref_name=self.reference) @property def code_div(self): """The string for creating a code example for the gallery""" code_example = self.code_example if code_example is None: return None return self.CODE_TEMPLATE.format( snippet=self.get_description()[1], code=code_example, ref_name=self.reference) @property def code_example(self): """The code example out of the notebook metadata""" if self._code_example is not None: return self._code_example return getattr(self.nb.metadata, 'code_example', None) @property def supplementary_files(self): """The supplementary files of this notebook""" if self._supplementary_files is not None: return self._supplementary_files return getattr(self.nb.metadata, 'supplementary_files', None) @property def other_supplementary_files(self): """The supplementary files of this notebook""" if self._other_supplementary_files is not None: return self._other_supplementary_files return getattr(self.nb.metadata, 'other_supplementary_files', None) @property def reference(self): """The rst label of this example""" return 'gallery_' + self.outfile.replace(os.path.sep, '_').lower() @property def url(self): """The url on jupyter nbviewer for this notebook or None if unknown""" if self._url is not None: url = self._url else: url = getattr(self.nb.metadata, 'url', None) if url is not None: return nbviewer_link(url) @property def remove_tags(self): return any(self.tag_options.values()) def __init__(self, infile, outfile, disable_warnings=True, preprocess=True, clear=True, code_example=None, supplementary_files=None, other_supplementary_files=None, thumbnail_figure=None, url=None, insert_bokeh=False, insert_bokeh_widgets=False, tag_options={}, binder_url=None): """ Parameters ---------- infile: str path to the existing notebook outfile: str path to the new notebook disable_warnings: bool Boolean to control whether warnings shall be included in the rst file or not preprocess: bool If True, the notebook is processed when generating the rst file clear: bool If True, the output in the download notebook is cleared code_example: str A python code sample that shall be used instead of a thumbnail figure in the gallery. Note that you can also include a ``'code_example'`` key in the metadata of the notebook supplementary_files: list of str Supplementary data files that shall be copied to the output directory and inserted in the rst file for download other_supplementary_files: list of str Other supplementary data files that shall be copied but not inserted for download thumbnail_figure: int The number of the figure that shall be used for download or a path to a file url: str The url where to download the notebook insert_bokeh: False or str The version string for bokeh to use for the style sheet insert_bokeh_widgets: bool or str The version string for bokeh to use for the widgets style sheet tag_options: dict A dictionary with traitlets for the :class:`nbconvert.preprocessors.TagRemovePreprocessor` binder_url: str Link to the repository on or equivalent """ self.infile = infile self.outfile = outfile self.preprocess = preprocess self.clear = clear self._code_example = code_example self._supplementary_files = supplementary_files self._other_supplementary_files = other_supplementary_files self._thumbnail_figure = thumbnail_figure self._url = url self.insert_bokeh = insert_bokeh self.insert_bokeh_widgets = insert_bokeh_widgets self.tag_options = tag_options self.binder_url = binder_url self.process_notebook(disable_warnings) self.create_thumb()
[docs] def get_out_file(self, ending='rst'): """get the output file with the specified `ending`""" return os.path.splitext(self.outfile)[0] + os.path.extsep + ending
[docs] def process_notebook(self, disable_warnings=True): """Process the notebook and create all the pictures and files This method runs the notebook using the :mod:`nbconvert` and :mod:`nbformat` modules. It creates the :attr:`outfile` notebook, a python and a rst file""" infile = self.infile outfile = self.outfile in_dir = os.path.dirname(infile) + os.path.sep odir = os.path.dirname(outfile) + os.path.sep create_dirs(os.path.join(odir, 'images')) ep = nbconvert.preprocessors.ExecutePreprocessor( timeout=300) cp = nbconvert.preprocessors.ClearOutputPreprocessor( timeout=300) self.nb = nb =, nbformat.current_nbformat) language_info = getattr(nb.metadata, 'language_info', {}) ext = language_info.get('file_extension', 'py') self.script = self.get_out_file(ext.lstrip('.')) disable_warnings = disable_warnings and self.script.endswith('.py') # write and process rst_file if self.preprocess: # disable warnings in the rst file if disable_warnings: for i, cell in enumerate(nb.cells): if cell['cell_type'] == 'code': cell = cell.copy() break cell = cell.copy() cell.source = """ import logging logging.captureWarnings(True) logging.getLogger('py.warnings').setLevel(logging.ERROR) """ nb.cells.insert(i, cell) t ='Processing %s', self.infile) try: ep.preprocess(nb, {'metadata': {'path': in_dir}}) except nbconvert.preprocessors.execute.CellExecutionError: logger.critical( 'Error while processing %s!', self.infile, exc_info=True) else:'Done. Seconds needed: %i', ( - t).seconds) if disable_warnings: nb.cells.pop(i) if self.remove_tags: tp = nbconvert.preprocessors.TagRemovePreprocessor(timeout=300) for key, val in self.tag_options.items(): setattr(tp, key, set(val)) nb4rst = deepcopy(nb) tp.preprocess(nb4rst, {'metadata': {'path': in_dir}}) else: nb4rst = nb self.create_rst(nb4rst, in_dir, odir) if self.clear: cp.preprocess(nb, {'metadata': {'path': in_dir}}) # write notebook file nbformat.write(nb, outfile) self.create_py(nb)
[docs] def create_rst(self, nb, in_dir, odir): """Create the rst file from the notebook node""" exporter = nbconvert.RSTExporter() raw_rst, resources = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb) # remove ipython magics rst_content = '' i0 = 0 m = None # HACK: we insert the bokeh style sheets here as well, since for some # themes (e.g. the sphinx_rtd_theme) it is not sufficient to include # the style sheets only via app.add_stylesheet bokeh_str = '' if 'bokeh' in raw_rst and self.insert_bokeh: bokeh_str += self.BOKEH_TEMPLATE.format( version=self.insert_bokeh) if 'bokeh' in raw_rst and self.insert_bokeh_widgets: bokeh_str += self.BOKEH_WIDGETS_TEMPLATE.format( version=self.insert_bokeh_widgets) for m in code_blocks.finditer(raw_rst): lines = header, content = lines[0], ''.join(lines[1:]) no_magics = magic_patt.sub('\g<1>', content) # if the code cell only contained magic commands, we skip it if no_magics.strip(): rst_content += ( raw_rst[i0:m.start()] + bokeh_str + header + no_magics) bokeh_str = '' i0 = m.end() else: rst_content += raw_rst[i0:m.start()] i0 = m.end() if m is not None: rst_content += bokeh_str + raw_rst[m.end():] else: rst_content = raw_rst rst_content = '.. _%s:\n\n' % self.reference + \ rst_content language_info = getattr(nb.metadata, 'language_info', {}) url = self.url if url is not None: rst_content += self.CODE_DOWNLOAD_NBVIEWER.format( language=language_info.get('name', 'Python'), script=os.path.basename(self.script), nbfile=os.path.basename(self.outfile), url=url) else: rst_content += self.CODE_DOWNLOAD.format( language=language_info.get('name', 'Python'), script=os.path.basename(self.script), nbfile=os.path.basename(self.outfile)) if self.binder_url is not None: rst_content += self.CODE_RUN_BINDER.format( url=self.binder_url) supplementary_files = self.supplementary_files other_supplementary_files = self.other_supplementary_files if supplementary_files or other_supplementary_files: for f in (supplementary_files or []) + ( other_supplementary_files or []): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(odir, f)): copyfile(os.path.join(in_dir, f), os.path.join(odir, f)) if supplementary_files: rst_content += self.data_download(supplementary_files) rst_file = self.get_out_file() outputs = sorted(resources['outputs'], key=rst_content.find) base = os.path.join('images', os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(self.infile))[0] + '_%i.png') out_map = {os.path.basename(original): base % i for i, original in enumerate(outputs)} for original, final in six.iteritems(out_map): rst_content = rst_content.replace(original, final) with open(rst_file, 'w') \ as f: f.write(rst_content.rstrip() + '\n') pictures = [] for original in outputs: fname = os.path.join(odir, out_map[os.path.basename(original)]) pictures.append(fname) if six.PY3: f = open(fname, 'w+b') else: f = open(fname, 'w') f.write(resources['outputs'][original]) f.close() = pictures
[docs] def create_py(self, nb, force=False): """Create the python script from the notebook node""" # Although we would love to simply use ``nbconvert.export_python(nb)`` # this causes troubles in other cells processed by the ipython # directive. Instead of getting something like ``Out [5]:``, we get # some weird like '[0;31mOut[5]: ' which look like # color information if we allow the call of nbconvert.export_python if list(map(int, re.findall('\d+', nbconvert.__version__))) >= [4, 2]: script = os.path.basename(self.script) else: script = self.script try: level = logger.logger.level except AttributeError: level = logger.level['jupyter', 'nbconvert', '--to=script', '--output=' + os.path.splitext(script)[0], '--log-level=%s' % level, self.outfile]) if not script.endswith('.py'): return with open(self.script) as f: py_content = # comment out ipython magics py_content = re.sub('^\s*get_ipython\(\).magic.*', '# \g<0>', py_content, flags=re.MULTILINE) with open(self.script, 'w') as f: f.write(py_content)
[docs] def data_download(self, files): """Create the rst string to download supplementary data""" if len(files) > 1: return self.DATA_DOWNLOAD % ( ('\n\n' + ' '*8) + ('\n' + ' '*8).join( '* :download:`%s`' % f for f in files)) return self.DATA_DOWNLOAD % ':download:`%s`' % files[0]
[docs] def create_thumb(self): """Create the thumbnail for html output""" thumbnail_figure = self.copy_thumbnail_figure() if thumbnail_figure is not None: if isstring(thumbnail_figure): pic = thumbnail_figure else: pic =[thumbnail_figure] self.save_thumbnail(pic) else: for pic in[::-1]: if pic.endswith('png'): self.save_thumbnail(pic) return
[docs] def get_description(self): """Get summary and description of this notebook""" def split_header(s, get_header=True): s = s.lstrip().rstrip() parts = s.splitlines() if parts[0].startswith('#'): if get_header: header = re.sub('#+\s*', '', parts.pop(0)) if not parts: return header, '' else: header = '' rest = '\n'.join(parts).lstrip().split('\n\n') desc = rest[0].replace('\n', ' ') return header, desc else: if get_header: if parts[0].startswith(('=', '-')): parts = parts[1:] header = parts.pop(0) if parts and parts[0].startswith(('=', '-')): parts.pop(0) if not parts: return header, '' else: header = '' rest = '\n'.join(parts).lstrip().split('\n\n') desc = rest[0].replace('\n', ' ') return header, desc first_cell = self.nb['cells'][0] if not first_cell['cell_type'] == 'markdown': return '', '' header, desc = split_header(first_cell['source']) if not desc and len(self.nb['cells']) > 1: second_cell = self.nb['cells'][1] if second_cell['cell_type'] == 'markdown': _, desc = split_header(second_cell['source'], False) return header, desc
[docs] def scale_image(self, in_fname, out_fname, max_width, max_height): """Scales an image with the same aspect ratio centered in an image with a given max_width and max_height if in_fname == out_fname the image can only be scaled down """ # local import to avoid testing dependency on PIL: try: from PIL import Image except ImportError: import Image img = width_in, height_in = img.size scale_w = max_width / float(width_in) scale_h = max_height / float(height_in) if height_in * scale_w <= max_height: scale = scale_w else: scale = scale_h if scale >= 1.0 and in_fname == out_fname: return width_sc = int(round(scale * width_in)) height_sc = int(round(scale * height_in)) # resize the image img.thumbnail((width_sc, height_sc), Image.ANTIALIAS) # insert centered thumb ='RGB', (max_width, max_height), (255, 255, 255)) pos_insert = ( (max_width - width_sc) // 2, (max_height - height_sc) // 2) thumb.paste(img, pos_insert)
[docs] def save_thumbnail(self, image_path): """Save the thumbnail image""" thumb_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(image_path), 'thumb') create_dirs(thumb_dir) thumb_file = os.path.join(thumb_dir, '%s_thumb.png' % self.reference) if os.path.exists(image_path):'Scaling %s to thumbnail %s', image_path, thumb_file) self.scale_image(image_path, thumb_file, 400, 280) self.thumb_file = thumb_file
[docs] def get_thumb_path(self, base_dir): """Get the relative path to the thumb nail of this notebook""" return os.path.relpath(self.thumb_file, base_dir)
[docs] def copy_thumbnail_figure(self): """The integer of the thumbnail figure""" ret = None if self._thumbnail_figure is not None: if not isstring(self._thumbnail_figure): ret = self._thumbnail_figure else: ret = osp.join(osp.dirname(self.outfile), osp.basename(self._thumbnail_figure)) copyfile(self._thumbnail_figure, ret) return ret elif hasattr(self.nb.metadata, 'thumbnail_figure'): if not isstring(self.nb.metadata.thumbnail_figure): ret = self.nb.metadata.thumbnail_figure else: ret = osp.join(osp.dirname(self.outfile), 'images', osp.basename(self.nb.metadata.thumbnail_figure)) copyfile(osp.join(osp.dirname(self.infile), self.nb.metadata.thumbnail_figure), ret) return ret
[docs]def align(argument): """Conversion function for the "align" option.""" return directives.choice(argument, ('left', 'center', 'right'))
[docs]class LinkGalleriesDirective(Directive): has_content = True if hasattr(directives, 'images'): option_spec = directives.images.Figure.option_spec else: option_spec = {'alt': directives.unchanged, 'height': directives.nonnegative_int, 'width': directives.nonnegative_int, 'scale': directives.nonnegative_int, 'align': align }
[docs] def create_image_nodes(self, header, thumb_url, key, link_url=None): options = {'target': link_url} if link_url else {} options.update(self.options) d1 = directives.misc.Raw( 'raw', ['html'], {}, ViewList([ '<div class="sphx-glr-thumbContainer">'] ), self.lineno, self.content_offset, self.block_text, self.state, self.state_machine) d = directives.images.Figure( 'image', [thumb_url], options, ViewList([':ref:`%s`' % key]), self.lineno, self.content_offset, self.block_text, self.state, self.state_machine) d2 = directives.misc.Raw( 'raw', ['html'], {}, ViewList(['</div>']), self.lineno, self.content_offset, self.block_text, self.state, self.state_machine) return list(chain(,,
[docs] def get_outdirs(self): conf = self.env.config.example_gallery_config gallery_dirs = conf.get('gallery_dirs') if not gallery_dirs: examples_dirs = conf.get('example_dirs', ['../examples']) if isstring(examples_dirs): examples_dirs = [examples_dirs] gallery_dirs = list(map(osp.basename, examples_dirs)) if isstring(gallery_dirs): gallery_dirs = [gallery_dirs] for i, s in enumerate(gallery_dirs): if not s.endswith(os.path.sep): gallery_dirs[i] += os.path.sep return gallery_dirs
[docs] def run(self): self.env = self.state.document.settings.env conf = self.env.config ret = nodes.paragraph() try: inventory = self.env.intersphinx_named_inventory except AttributeError: warn('The %s directive requires the sphinx.ext.intersphinx ' 'extension!', return [ret] for pkg_str in self.content: try: pkg, directory = pkg_str.split() except ValueError: pkg, directory = pkg_str, '' directory_ = directory.replace('/', '_').lower() if pkg == conf.project: pass if not directory: directories = self.get_outdirs() else: directories = [directory] for directory in directories: for file_dir, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): if not file_dir.endswith(osp.sep): file_dir += osp.sep file_dir_ = file_dir.replace(osp.sep, '_').lower() if 'index.rst' in files: for f in files: if f.endswith('.ipynb'): ref = 'gallery_' + file_dir_ + f thumb = osp.join( file_dir, 'images', 'thumb', ref + '_thumb.png') if osp.isabs(thumb): thumb = osp.relpath(thumb, self.env.srcdir) header = ':ref:`%s`' % (ref, ) ret.extend(self.create_image_nodes( header, thumb, ref)) else: try: refs = inventory[pkg]['std:label'] except KeyError: warn('Could not load the inventory of %s!', pkg) continue base_url = self.env.config.intersphinx_mapping[pkg][0] if not base_url.endswith('/'): base_url += '/' for key, val in refs.items(): if (key.startswith('gallery_' + directory_) and key.endswith('.ipynb')): link_url = val[2] header = val[3] thumb_url = base_url + '_images/%s_thumb.png' % key ret.extend(self.create_image_nodes( header, thumb_url, '%s:%s' % (pkg, key), link_url)) ret.extend(directives.misc.Raw( 'raw', ['html'], {}, ViewList(["<div style='clear:both'></div>"]), self.lineno, self.content_offset, self.block_text, self.state, self.state_machine).run()) return [ret]
#: dictionary containing the configuration of the example gallery. #: #: Possible keys for the dictionary are the initialization keys of the #: :class:`Gallery` class gallery_config = { 'examples_dirs': ['../examples'], 'gallery_dirs': None, 'pattern': 'example_.+.ipynb', 'disable_warnings': True, 'preprocess': True, 'dont_preprocess': [], 'clear': True, 'dont_clear': [], 'code_examples': {}, 'supplementary_files': {}, 'insert_bokeh': False, 'insert_bokeh_widgets': False} #: Boolean controlling whether the rst files shall created and examples #: processed process_examples = True
[docs]def setup(app): app.add_config_value('process_examples', process_examples, 'html') app.add_config_value('example_gallery_config', gallery_config, 'html') app.add_stylesheet('example_gallery_styles.css') app.add_directive('linkgalleries', LinkGalleriesDirective) app.connect('builder-inited', Gallery.from_sphinx)