
How to install

Installation using pip

If you do not want to use conda for managing your python packages, you can also use the python package manager pip and install via:

$ pip install sphinx-nbexamples

If you want to preprocess your notebooks before including them in the documentation, you might also have to install the ipykernel module via:

$ pip install ipykernel

and register the kernel depending on the kernel name in your notebooks via:

$ python -m ipykernel install --user --name <kernel-name> --display-name <kernel-name>

where the <kernel-name> should be replaced by the kernel name as it is used in the examples.


If your examples require additional packages, you of course have to install them by yourself

Installation from source

You can as well install the package from the github via:

$ python install

Usage on

When building your documentation on, you can either disable the preprocessing of the notebooks via the process_examples configuration value, e.g. via:

on_rtd = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS', None) == 'True'
process_examples = not on_rtd


example_gallery_config['dont_preprocess'] = on_rtd

or you make sure that the virtual environment installs ipykernel and all the other necessary packages for your examples and include:

on_rtd = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS', None) == 'True'
if on_rtd:
    import subprocess as spr[sys.executable] +
             ('-m ipykernel install --user --name python3 '
              '--display-name python3').split())

in your '' of your sphinx documentation. Change 'python3' to the kernel name you are using in your examples.

Running the tests

We use pytest for our testing, so simply install it and run:

$ py.test

or in the downloaded directory from github run

$ python pytest

Building the docs

To build the docs, check out the github repository and install the requirements in 'docs/environment.yml'. The easiest way to do this is via anaconda by typing:

$ conda env create -f docs/environment.yml
$ source activate sphinx_nbexamples_docs
$ conda install ipykernel sphinx_rtd_theme

Then build the docs via:

$ cd docs
$ make html